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Design Registration

Industrial Designs are essential and vital intellectual property of industries, companies, firms, and other entities in almost all economic fields. Without a suitable and perfect design, reputed and profitable business in these occupational fields is just impossible. Therefore, in this article, we are providing an exclusive content regarding industrial designs, design registrations in India and abroad, and ours expert and economical design registration services. Ours full-service and well-established law firm located in India has been extending punctilious services for all legal areas in all across India and the world, inevitably covering in the intellectual property law and rights.

Regarded as highly creative and sumptuous intellectual property, any industrial design is invented for any one or more of the following purposes - to give a highly aesthetic look to the product or its packaging, to enhance efficiency, to make a product or device more comfortable to the users, to increase the overall usefulness of a product, to make the device optimally durable or versatile and user-friendly, to beat ever-increasing competition in the market, and several other purposes. These industrial designs can bear any contours or configurations, and can also be two-dimensional or three-dimensional in shapes, besides the one-dimensional pattern or layout.

Design Registration Services in India

For perfect and responsible design registration services in all places nationwide, our law firm located in Delhi is extensively famous. All types of industrial designs in India are registered, regulated, and protected under the federal Designs Act of 2000, and the Designs Rules of 2001. These designs are registered with the support of the Head Patent Office in Kolkata, and its branch office situated in well-connected cities of New Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai. Selection of the office for design registration is made on the basis of the location of the applicant company. Again, for proper and perfect registration of a design, this must be fully original and unique in shape and contour, capable of being used or sold independently as a separate part, visible clearly to the naked eyes, and can be produced collectively in mass production technique. The design registration in india, and also in most of other countries, the validation period of design registration is ten years; which can subsequently be extended to a period of five years, by every renewal in future. Application for design renewal is to be made through Form-3 and submitted to the Controller of Designs, along with prescribed renewal fees. Our internationally commended design attorneys provide all services and support during the entire design registration process. Apart from this domestic design registration in india, international design registrations under the Hague Agreement, TRIPS Agreement, Berne or Paris Convention, and the European Community Designs, are also expertly helped by our well-experienced and mellow attorneys.

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