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Trademark Classes

The main and ultimate aim behind trademark classification is to fully facilitate perfect registration and prosecution for any specific trademark or service mark in the interested field. The trademarks and service marks are created in almost all economic fields, and thus, form a wide variety. The trademark classes are made to represent trademarks and service marks in these diverse economic fields, and thus, greatly facilitate the registration and prosecution, or even trademark infringement litigation of trademark in any specific field, at domestic or international level. Thus, the trademark classes are actually categories of diverse economic fields. For example, the trademark Class I is dedicated to all types of trademarks in the fields of chemicals and plastics; and the trademark class 4 represents trademarks in the field of lubricants and greases in general. Similarly, the service mark Class 38 contains service marks in the field of telecommunications, and the service mark Class 43 bears service marks in the field of hotels and restaurants. Thus, trademark classification is indeed a great facilitation regarding registration, prosecution, and protection of trademarks and service marks in all concerned economic fields at national and international level. The globally recognized list of trademark classification encompasses as much as 45 trademark classes for goods and services in diverse economic sectors.

Trademark Classes in India

As India is an active and reputed member of most of the international trademark conventions and treaties, the trademark classes in india are also 45 in number. Among these 45 broad classes, 11 classes are reserved for services in diverse economic fields, and the rest are allotted to goods and products in other economic fields. These 11 service mark classes including fields of business management and advertising, telecommunications, hospitality, education, transportation and warehousing, agricultural services, etc. Our organization is a full-fledged law firm with exquisite, responsible, and economic legal services in all legal disciplines and areas in all across India and the whole world. As far as trademarks and service marks are concerned, ours expert trademark attorneys with international fame, provide expert and punctilious services for registrations of these under the new Trade Marks Act of 1999, and all desired international trademark conventions. For domestic registrations, relevant trademark office is selected as per the location of the applicant company; such offices are situated in Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, and Ahmedabad. Each of these trademark registry offices has a certain jurisdictional area that covers many nearby States and Union Territories. The international trademark registrations for diverse entities located in countries worldwide, are performed under the TRIPS Agreement, Berne and Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark.

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