Trademark Filing @ 6,000/Only

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Trademark Protection

For Trademark Protection, will offer two main categories of legal services; these are trademark watch and monitoring services, and trademark infringement litigation services. Our legal services for trademark oppositions and trademark prosecutions can also be counted among the services for trademark protection. Ours full-fledged and globally prominent law firm based in India offers these all trademark related services both at national and international levels worldwide, along with expert service for trademark registrations.

Trademarks and all other objects of intellectual property of any entity, must be protected from misuses, infringement upon, and all sorts of commercial uses by other people and entities. A trademark can be regarded as an invaluable gem in the crown of its company, elegant for representing the company in the crowded marketplace with due and distinguished reputation. Moreover, trademark plays a vital role for desired prominence and popularity of the related product in the national and international markets, and thus, for the overall profitability of the concerned business. Our efficient and rigorous trademark protection services are described further in the lower section.

Trademark Protection Services in India

Trademarks and service marks pertaining to all globally recognized trademark classes and owned by companies located in all parts of the country, are sweepingly covered by ours services for trademark protection in india. All above-mentioned services are forwarded punctiliously and responsibly by ours internationally famed trademark attorneys under the rules, provisions, and regulations given in the new Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002. Again, in order to protect the trademarks of Indian entities in the international jurisdictions worldwide, we also provide trademark registration and protection services in connection with TRIPS Agreement, Madrid Protocol, Berne and Paris Convention, and the European Community Trademark (CTM). Due to these comprehensive range of legal services regarding trademarks, our law firm is now one of the most prominent and reliable firms in India for perfect and responsible legal services concerning trademarks in all fields, and other categories of intellectual property. All other areas of legal practice are also expertly served by ours well-seasoned and innovative legal professionals in all across India and the whole world.

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