Trademark Filing @ 6,000/Only

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Trademark Registration in Ahmedabad

The former capital of Gujarat, progressive Ahmedabad has now emerged out as one of the fastest growing cities of India and the world (according to a report published in 2010 by Forbes magazine). This largest city of Gujarat, Ahmedabad has been internationally prominent owing to its highly developed textile industries, and now it is progressing fast in other economic fields mentioned below. Therefore, Ahmedabad has easily and impressively become eligible for availing and utilizing ours top-quality and reasonably-priced legal services in diverse legal areas, inherently including lavish trademark services in ahmedabad.

Companies and firms located in all across Ahmedabad, and engaged in the sectors of information technology, textiles and garments, petrol and refineries, cement, pharmaceuticals, real estate and construction, chemicals, agro-based goods and products, milk and milk products, etc., can avail our impeccable trademark registration services most profitably. However, other progressive and emerging economic fields will also be benefited by these equally. Trademarks and service marks in these all commercial, industrial, professional, and service fields are made secured by us through federal and international trademark registrations for those. So far, numerous companies and firms have utilized ours perfect and dependable services for trademark registration in ahmedabad, for their domestic and international trademark registrations.

The domestic trademark registrations for companies located in Ahmedabad, are registered and regulated by the zonal trademark office situated in this city itself. The federal trademark law of India represented by the new Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002, is exclusively utilized for performing these federal registrations. Again, to promote international businesses of companies established in Ahmedabad, we also offer trademark registration services to them for acquiring international trademark registrations under the Berne Convention, TRIPS Agreement, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark. All associated services for such registrations in India or abroad, are adroitly provided by ours talented and well-experienced trademark attorneys.

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