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Trademark Registration in Chennai

One of the major metropolitan cities of India, cosmopolitan and booming Chennai is also famous globally for being one of the fastest expanding and developing cities of the world, according to a recent report published in Forbes magazine. Again, it is certainly one of the most developed and opulent cities in the south India, with rapid and sustainable progress in all major and vital economic fields. Hence, immensely preferred is Chennai for availing ours superb and swift legal services in all legal areas, inseparably including trademark registration in chennai.

All developed and emerging economic fields in and around the city are comprehensively covered by ours decent and responsible trademark services in chennai. To support fully and gratifyingly the businesses of all entities located in Chennai, we provide expert and reliable services for their national as well as international trademark registrations. All sorts of trademarks and services marks in these professional, commercial, industrial, or service sectors are proficiently served by ours internationally famed trademark attorneys. Today, the most progressive fields in this sixth most populated city of India are automobiles, information technology, manufacturing, healthcare, computer software and hardware, tourism, leather, and banking and financial services. Moreover, its location on the Coromandel Coast makes Chennai one of the most suitable and preferred center for marine exports and imports in the whole country.

All domestic registrations of service marks and trademarks belonging to companies located in Chennai are guided and regulated by the zonal trademark office situated in Chennai itself, in proper compliance with the rules and provisions contained in the new Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002. And, international registrations are obtained under any of concerned international trademark treaties or conventions of TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark. All tasks involved in the creation and registration of trademarks or service marks in diverse economic sectors are handled expertly through ours refined and reputed trademark registration services.

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