Trademark Filing @ 6,000/Only

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Trademark Registration in Delhi

One of the most outstanding historic cities of the world, Delhi is the second biggest city of India in respect of its over 16 million population. Adorned with the officially name of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, Delhi is now a well-developed and glamorous city with huge GDP and per capita income. The glorious capital of India, New Delhi, is a part of this NCT of Delhi. Thus, Delhi ranks high in our priority list for well-rounded and impeccable legal services, inseparably including superb and swift trademark registration services.

Our trademark services in delhi are for trademarks and service marks in all its economic fields, essentially including the fields of information technology, manufacturing, media and tourism, power, real estate and construction, hotels and hospitality, telecommunication, banking, insurance, healthcare, and other progressive fields. Today, industrially well-developed and cosmopolitan Delhi is the largest commercial hub in the north India, and one of the highly preferred centers in the world for professional and commercial establishments. Every year numerous companies and firms in diverse economic fields are being established in all across Delhi and NCR. Owing to massive and fast progress in these fields, the GDP of Delhi has been growing with a high rate of over 10% annually in past years.

Our highly efficient and responsible services for trademark registration in delhi are provided at national and international levels. At domestic level, trademarks and service marks related with entities located in Delhi are registered under the new Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002, with regulatory support of the zonal trademark office located in Dwarka (Sector-14). While, the international trademark registrations on behalf of companies based in Delhi are made under TRIPS Agreement, Berne and Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark. All ingenious and supportive services for trademark registrations are rendered punctiliously by ours internationally renowned trademark attorneys, including the services for making the proposed trademark or service mark unique and most impressive, ensuring its originality and acceptability through meticulous trademark searches, filing well-prepared application in Delhi or any desired international jurisdiction, and lastly, presenting brilliant trademark prosecution for excellent and rapid registration in Delhi or abroad.

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