Trademark Filing @ 6,000/Only

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Trademark Registration in Mumbai

The richest city of India in terms of population and GDP, Mumbai is certainly greatest suitable for receiving ours all legal services, including impeccable trademark registration services. As one of the hugely famous and popular law firms of India with worldwide prominence and acclamation, our full-service law firm has been offering expert legal services in all areas and disciplines of the law, at national and international levels. But, in this article, we are giving detailed and generous information regarding ours services for trademark registration in mumbai.

Our expeditious, exquisite, and economical trademark services in mumbai cover trademarks and service marks in all its well-developed and progressive economic fields. The economy of Mumbai has made huge and amazing progress in almost all fields, and therefore, produces about 25% of the total industrial output of the whole country. Moreover, about 40% of India's foreign trades and approximately 70% of the marine trades of the country, are conducted from Mumbai. All sorts of trademarks and service marks connected with all these economic fields of Mumbai are comprehensively covered by ours trademark registration services in this Alpha World City.

A large number of companies and firms established in Mumbai are engaged in international and worldwide business in various economic fields. Therefore, along with domestic trademark registrations under the federal trademark law of India (new Trade Marks Act of 1999, and Trade Marks Rules of 2002), ours internationally renowned trademark attorneys also provide trademark registrations under any one or all of the international trademark conventions of the Berne or Paris Convention, the TRIPS Agreement, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark. All domestic registrations are performed under directions and support of the zonal trademark office located in Mumbai at Antop Hill. The services provided ingeniously and adeptly by us during the entire trademark registration process are, all-round support and guidance for creation of a perfect and most impressive trademark or service marks in any desired economic field, thorough and sophisticated trademark searches in India and worldwide, filing of completed application in Mumbai or abroad, and extending mature trademark prosecution in Mumbai and international jurisdictions.

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