Trademark Filing @ 6,000/Only

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Trademark Registration in Uttar Pradesh

The biggest State of India in respect of its over 200 million population, Uttar Pradesh is a highly progressive and prosperous State India. Owing to massive development in its agricultural and industrial sectors, this contributes substantially (about 8%) to the national GDP every year. Again, it is well-known that rich and extensive State of Uttar Pradesh has been a nationwide famous center for religious, cultural, and commercial matters since past centuries. Therefore, respectfully and conscientiously, we offer the full expanse of legal services in all across the State, compulsorily including exquisite and responsible trademark registration services.

Both federal and international trademark registrations are handled ingeniously and expertly by ours services for trademark registration in uttar pradesh. Moreover, all economic fields of the economy of the State are sweepingly and expertly encompassed by ours reputed and popular trademark services in uttar pradesh. The economy of Uttar Pradesh comprises of the agricultural, manufacturing or industrial, and the service sectors. The most progressive industries relate to agro-based goods and products, and food and fruit processing, iron and steel, machine tools and equipments, computer hardware and software, diverse hardware items, chemicals, leathers, tourism, catering and hospitality, banking, insurance, real estate and construction, and financial services.

All classes of trademarks and service marks connected with entities located in Uttar Pradesh are registered and regulated by the zonal trademark office situated in New Delhi (Dwarka, sector-14) as per the rules and regulations given in the new Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002. The international businesses of companies located in Uttar Pradesh are facilitated through international trademark registrations under one or more international conventions like the TRIPS Agreement, Berne or Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark. The main and pivotal services rendered by ours adept trademark attorneys for trademark registrations in India and abroad include - expert guidance for creating and giving final touches to the trademark or service mark in the interested economic field, ensuring uniqueness and ready acceptability of the proposed trademark by the concerned national or international trademark office, proper and timely filing of perfectly completed trademark application in Delhi or any targeted international jurisdiction, and then, making brilliant trademark prosecution to ascertain the best and brisk registration.

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