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Trademark Search

Trademark Search is the careful and responsible process of going through the databases of all formerly registered trademarks and service marks, and also of all filed applications seeking registration, kept secured under the concerned trademark office. This task of trademark search is utilized for checking the originality, uniqueness, and ready acceptability of the proposed trademark or service mark, in order to get registration of the same with the specified national or international trademark office. Thus, trademark search is an essential and vital task related with prompt and perfect trademark registration with any national trademark office, or under any international trademark convention. For trademark registration with any domestic trademark office as per its federal trademark law, only nationwide trademark search is requisite. On the other hand, for acquiring trademark registration with any concerned international trademark office, comprehensive trademark search through the trademark databases of all international offices that come under the targeted international trademark convention or treaty, is necessary to be performed. Every international trademark convention or treaty has a large number of member countries as parties to the convention. Ours prestigious and progressive law firm of global prominence provides proficient trademark search services in connection with national and international trademark offices worldwide.

Trademark Search Services in India

For perfect and reliable trademark search in india, databases kept secured by all zonal trademark offices of India are gone through censoriously by ours discerning and expert trademark attorneys. These databases fall under two main categories, namely, the databases of all registered trademarks and service marks in the past years, and the databases of all filed trademark applications awaiting registration with any of these regional trademark offices of India. To act in compliance with the rules and regulations given in the new Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002, there are well-established several provincial trademark offices in all across the whole country in well-connected locations of Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, and Ahmedabad. Again, all categories of trademarks and service marks specified in the globally recognized trademark classification are sweepingly covered by ours efficient and swift trademark search services in India and abroad. To help Indian entities in extending their businesses to international and worldwide jurisdictions, we also support them in making international trademark searches and registrations under the TRIPS Agreement of the WTO, Madrid Protocol of WIPO, Berne and Paris Convention, and the European Community Trademark (CTM).

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